Both Miriam and Veronica admit there was never a Plan B. “If you have a wide emotional range, or if you always have a broken heart, you need to get the emotions out,” says Miriam. And writing did that for her. It was the same for Veronica. She felt like she had no choice and knew she wanted to write “in some form or another” early on.
There is no need to introduce Veronica Maggio and Miriam Bryant. With almost 17 years of writing, producing, and singing, Veronica has become an institution of Swedish pop music. Miriam debuted over 11 years ago, since then becoming one of the most recognizable voices in Sweden.
I met them at the end of a long shooting day and tried to probe into their creative universes. Miriam explains that the lyrics were always the starting point for them as artists, “then came the singing.” Writers first, singers second.
All or Nothing: The Emotional Worlds of Veronica and Miriam
Odalisque Magazine
Print edition 2023

“From the very beginning, we were captivated by each other's work and continued to hold admiration for it,” they say. Quintessentially Danish, Baum und Pferdgarten has established itself as one of the most popular and distinguishable clothing brands in Scandinavia. With its name honouring the collaboration between Rikke Baumgarten and Helle Hestehave, the brand was born in 1999, after the two designers met at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. The two shared passion and vision, while also staying true to their different aesthetics, a detail that “complemented each other very well.” Their debut collection received positive reactions at Copenhagen Fashion Week and “gained attention for its unique style, combining vintage-inspired designs with contemporary twists.”

I discovered Camilla Engström on Instagram through videos of her dancing and I really liked how free she appeared. Then I fell in love with the sensuality, calmness and colours of her paintings. Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of interviewing Camilla for the autumn/winter issue of Glamour. Amongst other things, we talked about what it means to be an artist, dancing, Husa and Clit Queen.
Interview with Swedish painter Camilla Engström
Autumn-Winter 2022/2023

After the initial shock of the Russian invasion in Ukraine subsided, I felt I wanted to make myself useful. So I did what I could and know how to do best - I talked and listened to stories. Specifically, I listened to war stories of Ukrainian women. I am extremely grateful to them for opening up to me, sharing how the war changed their lives, and for talking about the Ukrainian bravery we’re all in awe of.
Voices of Ukraine
Spring - Summer 2022

Interview with Katherine J. Plumb, Stockholm-based Print designer. One very stormy January day, loveliest Katherine and I sat down for a Swedish fika and a chat about her brand, why it exploded on Instagram, what is she most proud of and what’s the best colour combo.
One woman show           
Spring - Summer 2022